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Course Content:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Java

  • Writing your first Java program (Hello World).
  • Understanding basic Java syntax and structure.
  • Variables, data types, and basic input/output.

Lesson 2: Control Flow and Conditional Statements

  • If-else statements and their practical applications.
  • Switch statements and how they differ from if-else.
  • Using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) in conditions.
  • Nested if-else statements and their usefulness.
Lesson 3: Loops and Iteration
  • While loops and their implementation.
  • For loops and their advantages in certain situations.
  • Do-while loops and when they are appropriate.
  • Controlling loops using break and continue statements.
Lesson 4: Arrays and Lists
  • Introduction to arrays and their declaration.
  • Accessing array elements and modifying values.
  • Working with multidimensional arrays.
  • Introduction to ArrayList and its usage.
Lesson 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Part 1
  • Basics of Object-Oriented Programming (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism).
  • Declaring classes and creating objects.
  • Class constructors and their role.
  • Access modifiers and their importance.
Lesson 6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Part 2
  • Inheritance and how it facilitates code reuse.
  • Overriding methods and using the super keyword.
  • Abstract classes and their significance.
  • Interfaces and their role in achieving multiple inheritance.
Lesson 7: Introduction to Java Collections
  • Introduction to collections and their significance.
  • Using ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and HashMap.
  • Iterating through collections using iterators and enhanced for-loop.
  • Sorting and searching collections.